版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
The app is designed for ship DRAFT SURVEY (ascertaining the weight of cargo loaded or discharged) and NOTE/LOG input and output relating to ship important event, task incidents and undertakings.
It can handle multiple numbers of ships (to a maximum of 5 ships) simultaneously and with all records stored in the app and could be displayed at any time.
It is quite handy for ship Masters and Officers, Surveyors/superintendents, students and various categories of practitioners in the maritime industry.
With this app, the Bill of Lading quantity relationship to the ship arrival and departure draft and port draft limitations can be planned and tested. Discharge and loading can also be monitored.
The use of pen, notebook, calculator or computer is no longer necessary.
Simply input observed data and it is instantly processed, displayed and saved.
The Note/Log input space for respective ship can accommodate and save up to a maximum of 4000 characters for one ship.
Developer : Matthew Igbinoba (DipMarSur) iims
Email address: igbinobamatthew@gmail.com